Saturday, April 9, 2011

The latest budget resoution by the Rebublicans is an entirely new approach. A concept like this must have taken years to formulate and to unveil it now is genius. Let's see, limit healthcare for our seniors, our disabled and our poor through a voucher system that allows for-profit Corporations to raise, cut, or limit services so long as the lowest possible standard are met and give the wealthiest Americans and corporations massive accross the board tax cuts...
Wait a minute, that sounds like every Republican plan since Reagan. Sounds like more of the "There you go again" funneling of Americas wealth solely to Americas wealthiest. It's going to be alright though, because if your 55 or older, you'll still have the Medicares single-payer, comprehensive healthcare that you've paid into your entire working life. As for the rest of us, I'm 54, we'll get to play "Wheel of Fortune" just like on the slot machines in Vegas, with a one size fits all voucher from a federal block grant. It'll mean ever more out of the pockets of folks on fixed incomes and ever more into the pockets of Insurance Compnay CEOs' and who couldn't agree that that is good for America.
The congress is, if you believe them, in a life and death struggle over cutting 30 or 60 billion dollars out of the budget for the coming year. Didn't they just give away 900 billion dollars to the wealthiest 20% of the nation over the next ten years by extending the Bush tax cuts? Here's an idea, instead of sending Grandma in front of the Republican Medicare Death Panels with a under funded voucher and half her social security check, how much is 900 billion divided by 10? I'll bet that would cover it.
And to you Democrats who had the chance to put through a budget but didn't? The cost of cowardise is replacement and you can be replaced, as many found out in the last election.
George Parmer
Blue Collar Campaign

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