Saturday, April 9, 2011

A letter to the Right and the Left from a Liberal:
Dear conservatives, tea-baggers, libertarians and other Republicans, your day ended when Bush/Cheney termed out and Barrack Obama was voted in. The People spoke. All your crying, whining, obstructionism, racism, Swiftboating and Fox News smear tactics have accomplished is to remind people that your Party is incapable of governing. You had your chance make this nation stronger and instead tried to privatize it and make a profit. The biggest terrorist attack in the history of this nation happened on your watch, you led us into 2 unfunded wars costing trillions of dollars, your fiscal policies and massive tax-cuts to the wealthy landed us directly in the middle of the Great Rebublican Recession. Your solution to every economic problem is tax cuts for the wealthy, knowing full well that the only people who benefit are the wealthy. Your" business friendly" agenda has resulted in massive corporate welfare and massive cuts in education and other vital social programs to the nations most vulnerable. What you call Free Trade is really just off-shoring labor costs, off-shoring enviromental costs and off-shoring profits. It is nothing more than a direct assault on Americas' middle class in a worldwide money grab by the wealthy and a race to the bottom for labor.
A typically low turn out in mid term elections due to Progressives dissapointment in this Administration, an activist and extreme Supreme Court causing billions of dollars to be spent by your Corporate allies managed to win you the House, but clearly, again, the People spoke; You were not given contol of the House because of your ability to govern, but simply to balance what the People saw as a do-nothing or do-too-much (depending on the perspective)Democratic majority.
To the Progressives, liberals, working-class activists and other Democrats: get a backbone. Stop trying to impose or imbue candidates with your personal beliefs and positions, like our President. Understand who they really are and learn to work with them or vote for someone else, but vote. Staying home, sitting one out, is never an option. Our failure to get a public option in the Affordable Healthcare Act, pass a budget, fix the Bush tax-cuts, our inability to put through campaign finance reform to counter the flood of money by the far-right cost us the House and left our nation for sale to the highest bidder. Get out and vote. Fix this mess.
George Parmer- Working for a stronger America
Blue Collar Campaign

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